Saturday, June 2, 2007

palm oil and its consequences

It seems a lot of things contain palm oil.
Deforestation is the cost. Removing natural trees from a forest and replacing them with field after field of palm oil trees. There has to be a better way. A better substitute.
How can I as a single consumer affect the expansion of these fields of palm oil plantations.
I can not buy things containing palm oil.
I will be looking for manufacturers that make things containing palm oil.
but until I can find a way to make an impactful list that we as consumers can "boycott" traditionally, here is a site with information about the palm oil problem

I personally use , regular sunflower oil to cook with, or olive oil. I try not to use corn oil because the price is climbing, and its not as heart healthy as I like, and I do not use oleo, or margarine.
apparently the human body can recognize butter as a fat it can get rid of . Whereas "whipped" (hydrogenated)fat, is harder to recognize and get rid of.

I am a hand spinner, and in our group of active knitters, there are many faceted talents.
I raise lamb, and veggies from my garden but there is another lady who bakes homemade bread. I may trade her veggies from the garden for some of her bread.

I am also drying herbs for teas for the winter. my paper bags work great for this as well. But some herbs are harder for me to grow here. I have another friend in NJ, that I mail care pkgs to once or twice a year, and I may request some of her goldenrod, for dyeing and allergy teas.

There are many ways we can network to save money, gas and energy. For example, When I go to the bulk foods store I pick up more than just for me, because it is closest to me. When I meet up with my friends at a neutral point like the knitting shop I take their flour and spices, etc.
Where I am then reimbursed.

and I promise, I will slow down my writing, check my spelling more,
and try to insert more text breaks and punctuation where it belongs. In short proofread before I post . Thanks !


Anonymous said...

You sound wonderfully busy. I raise Rhode Island hens (gotta find a rooster), Top Hat runner ducks and ebden & toulouse geese. I'm hoping for a male and female each, not yet sure, but sure they'll tell me one day. :) Didn't have much luck with herbs this year but we are hoping for the tomatoes and pasture grass for the geese. They love to graze and with luck our recent rain will enable them to. Look forward to future posts.

shepherdessNC said...

one fast growing summer grass for us, is pearl millet, and now is the time to till it in. it is seasonal, so you would have to re-plant it next year if you cannot find a perennial grass for your area, but perhaps ... pearl millet could solve your problem?
worth asking your feed dealer about.