Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Attention to the details...

looking outside the window. Listening to the normal sounds of your area and home. Knowing when someone pulls up in your driveway. Not walking and takling or driving and talking on a cell phone.
No wonder so many people are victimized these days and we arent teaching our kids to "pay attention to their surroundings" They know more about the cable channel line up than they do about the exterior of their home.
Because I live on a farm Im dealing with city kids who come up for the summer, cousins...
the horses could be loaded up in a trailer and carried off... dogs could be killing off my entire flock of sheep and these kids would not bother looking out the window. Its not as if we are on 100 acres and they would be seruiously far from the crime scene, we are on 6 acres..
How can we teach kids to pay attention to the world around them without them learning from a tragedy?
How can I send a kid out on one of my horses on a trail ride if they cant look out a window at a blaring horn? How can I expect kids like this to look for the best ways to adapt and be more "green" if they cannot look outside the frame of that video game?

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